The Secondary Trade School of Agriculture & services on the country in Žilina is nowadays the only  school in the region of Žilina offering the full secondary education in economics, horticulture and agiculture. All branches of study last 4 years, the school – leaving exam is the final exam.

There are 13 classrooms and circa 400 students in the school; circa 40 teachers provide their skills and knowledge to ensure educational process. All of them have full qualifications. Except for 13 ordinary classrooms there are 10 specialized classrooms – laboratories for teaching biology, chemistry, languages and computers, typing, crop and livestock production, driving lessons, economics and professional training in the school building. These laboratories and cabinets are well  equipped with various audio-visual aids, maps, a tape or cassette recorder, a slide or overhead projector, a screen and a video, so that the students could receive the most up–to-date knowledge and information during the lessons. Educational process is divided into 3 parts:

1 – theoretical education
2 – practical exercises
3 – professional training

Professional training is held in the garden firms and at the horticulturist´s, economic sections of manufacturing  firms, banks, food processing and agricultural firms. The students are transported to the firms and to the training rooms by a school bus.

The school cooperates with  agricultural schools abroad – the United Secondary Agricultural School in Český Tešín and the Polish Secondary school in Miedzyswiecie. The students take part in various contests, competitions in recitation, students´ exchange practice.

Branches of study :

# 1: 4210 6 agrobusiness; specialized focus of activity >>

>> 08 agricultural management
>> 09 gardencraft
>> 11 agritourism
>> 18 cynology (since 2012 /13)

# 2: 4236 6 agricultural economy
# 3: 6324 6 internal tourists management

After graduation Secondary Trade School, it is possibly continue at high specialized study (branch # 4: 4221 7 country tourism) on for three years. Leaver is with by right use title “Dis” (diplomate specialist) behind the name.

The students of The Secondary Agriculture school in Žilina are able to assert at universities, most of all at the Agricultural University in Nitra, the University of Matej Bell in Banská Bystrica, the  University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice and at various types of colleges.

The students learn 2 foreign languages, accounting, biology, chemistry in extent of curriculum for grammar school to be more successful at the entrance exams at universities. They can also receive the driving licence during the study at this school.

There are also a sportsground, 2 fitness centres, a snackbar, a school canteen where the students are offered 2 warm meals every school day. One meal is with meat and the other is in rational nutrition. It costs 26 SKK.

The students are offered various off-school activities so that everyone could choose and devote himself/herself to his/her hobbies: cynology, maths, basketball, football, hiking, first aid, English, modern and country dance, informatics and the Internet, economics, typing, culture – reciting, traditional crafts, tourist industry, creative arts..

Students present their hobbies and knowledge and represent the school in various competitions in sports, recitations, dancing and secondary students´ professional work.

We believe that the offer of study branches, specializations and the quality of educational process as well will be reflected in higher quality of school – leavers and their asserting on- the-job market.

The branches of study taught at present –  professional, economic and compulsory are composed for students not to be bound just to the agricultural and food processing industry, but they can work for private firms, in the economical sphere, carry out various activities in horticulture.

Our students are successful at various universities as well.

“Our educational institution is internationally certified by International Education Society, London (IES). Our students have a possibility to acquire international IES certificate (”